A Government for Everybody

Courtney Snowden’00 made her first foray into city politics as a Beloit undergraduate running for Beloit City Council (she nearly won).

Now she’s the deputy mayor for economic development in the nation’s capital.

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As fans file into Comerica Park in Detroit, Mich., Joe Davis'10, left, and former Los Angeles Dodgers first-baseman Eric Karros preview a...

Calling Games as He Sees Them

As a teenager, Joe Davis’10 would fire up a game console and mute the television. While the roar of the digitally rendered fans filled the stands of Chicago’s Wrigley Field, he’d say, “What a beautiful day for baseball” and proceed to call the entire game himself.



One That Got Away

In the spring issue of Beloit College Magazine, six recipients of the college’s Warren Miller Blue Skies Award were profiled, and every winner since the award’s 1982 inception received a nod in what was thought to be a comprehensive listing.


Senior class officer Miranda James'15 gives a joyous shout at the end of the Commencement ceremony.

Class of 2015 has Already Left its Mark

At a blustery outdoor ceremony in May, 308 graduates received their Beloit College degrees in front of Middle College before turning their attention to graduate school, jobs, volunteer stints, Fulbright and National Science Foundation fellowships, and—in several cases—coveted honors terms they will complete at Beloit this fall.

Jack Street

What They’ll Leave Behind

Three faculty members who tallied 119 collective years at Beloit earned emeriti status during the college’s 165th Commencement in May. We take a look at some of their major contributions to Beloit.
Students, faculty, and staff rallied early on the morning of April 22 for a Sustained Dialogue Summit on Racism at Beloit.

New Wave of Activism, Commitment to Being an Anti-Racist College

Just as two initiatives examining race, racism, and identity were connecting to the national conversation about race this spring, a series of racist incidences shook the college to its core and set off a wave of student activism, the likes of which Beloit has not seen in decades.
Students weigh their room options from floor plans posted in Pearsons Hall during the room lottery. Choices are ruled by a combination of...

Get a Room

Each spring, Beloit’s Office of Residential Life has the unenviable task of helping hundreds of students select their digs for the coming fall.
Jill Budny (political science) accepts the Underkofler Award on campus last April. The teaching honor is based on student nominations.

Underkofler and Kang Prizes Awarded

In April, visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science Jill Budny received the 2015 James R. Underkofler Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, Beloit’s highest teaching honor.

Single Largest Cash Gift Ever

William Corlis’37 lived a long life, long enough to have met and corresponded with eight Beloit College presidents going all the way back to fourth President Irving Maurer.

Countering ‘Beloit Humble’

President Scott Bierman likes to call the college’s collective humility “Beloit humble,” a phenomenon in which people typically play down their awesomeness and deflect praise onto others.

And the Honors Terms Go To

Commencement marks a new beginning, but in some cases, outstanding graduates will try on new challenges in a familiar place: through an Honors Term at Beloit.

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