February 01, 2022

Red carpet rollout

Members of the alumni community with outstanding achievements were honored in October when the Alumni Association presented the 2020 and 2021 Distinguished Service Citations (DSC) and Young Alumni Awards (YAA).

The DSCs are given for overall achievements, personal growth in careers, and outstanding service, while the YAA recipients are singled out for putting Beloit’s principles into practice only a decade after graduation. The festivities were held online as part of Beloiter Days.

Distinguished Service Citations

Lynne Goldstein’71

Lynne Goldstein’71 has written numerous articles and books on archaeology and is known worldwide for her advances in mortuary archaeology. A professor emerita of anthropology, she was a longtime faculty member at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee and Michigan State University. Her career has focused on the legal protection of archaeological sites, spearheading a successful field school program, and investigating burial sites across the country. She received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of American Archaeology in 2019.

Joanna Kutter’95

Joanna Kutter’95 is a businesswoman and an artist whose work is held in public and private collections. After persevering through cancer in her 30s, she completed her baccalaureate degree as a non-traditional student, then went on to create art and teach courses in Beloit’s art department. She and her late husband also founded the acclaimed Kutter Harley Davidson motorcycle dealership, an award-winning company that she ran after his death. She serves as a member of the Beloit College board of trustees.

Dianne Gerber Nielson’70

Dianne Gerber Nielson’70 was awarded a 2020 DSC posthumously for her work in Utah as director of the state’s division of oil, gas, and mining, executive director of environmental quality, and energy advisor under seven governors. Her work protecting the environment included service on several National Science Foundation panels as well as defending the land of the Goshute Nation against the construction of a temporary waste facility. She passed away in 2019.

Beth Flickinger Padon’70 and Chris Padon’71

Beth Flickinger Padon’70 and Chris Padon’71 were recognized together for their work in public archaeology and cultural resource management compliance. Since starting their company, Discovery Works, Inc., in 1998, the couple has assessed the historical and archaeological significance of hundreds of sites in Southern California and helped clients comply with environmental regulations. In 2018, they created a national nonprofit that organizes volunteers to help protect archaeological and historical sites. They are generous supporters of Beloit, including the Logan Museum of Anthropology and the college’s Sustainability Channel.

Vicky Selkowe’96

Vicky Selkowe’96 is a public interest attorney dedicated to social justice and advocacy. She works to defend the rights of low-income families and has promoted equity in her role as manager of strategic initiatives and community partnerships for the city of Racine, Wis. She finds joy and purpose in big picture policy changes that reverse or abolish unfairness in state government systems.

Young Alumni Awards

Javid Ahmad’11

Javid Ahmad’11, originally from Afghanistan, was a transfer student with a passion for international relations and diplomacy. He has become a nationally recognized authority on the Afghanistan and South Asia region and serves as Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, one of only a handful of Beloit graduates to have risen to such a high-level diplomatic position.

Joe Davis’10

Joe Davis’10 is a nationally recognized, professional play-by-play sports announcer, ascending with lightning speed from being the student voice of the Buccaneers all the way to the booth of the Los Angeles Dodgers. He also announces college football, and NFL and MLB games for FOX Sports and was nominated for a National Sports Emmy in 2021. Even with his busy schedule, he makes time to talk to prospective students considering Beloit.

Distinguished Service Citations and Young Alumni awards originate with alumni nominations. Nominate a deserving Beloiter.

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    Grave cleaner-turned-TikTok star

  • Christiane Umutoni’22

    Dolph Stanley, the Beloit Plan, and applause for the fall edition


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